Anja Rubik interjú

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Anja Rubik interjú
Anja Rubik interjú
2009. október 25., vasárnap 22:00

Anja Rubik interjú

A lengyel szupermodell, és egyik személyes kedvencünk a kérdéseire válaszolt.

* How did you start modeling?

Anja Rubik: I have always dreamed of modeling , but it was my mum who had the courage and sent my pictures to a polish modeling agency.

* When you started modeling, did you imagine you would become one of the most successful models ever? How much of your success was due to natural talent and how much due to hard work?

Anja Rubik: I believe modeling is a combination of natural talent, the ability to adapt to different situations, hard work and most importantly luck. There are so many beautiful girls in this business that in order to be noticed you need to find yourself in the right place at the right time. I have always dreamed of working for the best magazines and with the best photographers and designers.

* Which part of your work gives you the most satisfaction?

Anja Rubik: I think...the end of a fashion shoot when l can see that the whole crew is satisfied and happy with the results of our work.

* Marilyn Monroe is quoted to have said: "Dreaming about being an actress, is more exciting then being one." Do you think it's true about modeling?

Anja Rubik: I agree, modeling is not as glamorous as it looks from the outside. It's a lot of hard work, long hours, constant traveling and often working in difficult conditions.

* What is your concept of the model/designer relationship?

Anja Rubik: They have to respect each other.

* How do you stay so beautiful? Obviously you invest a lot of time in keeping your beauty. Do you really eat calorie-bombs as I see here?

Anja Rubik: I try to eat healthy and more often but smaller portions. I do my best to avoid eating dairy and mixing fruit with dairy. I drink a lot of water and green tea. My Skin is very important to me, I always try to keep it looking fresh, healthy and glowing.

* Name something you are most proud of.

Anja Rubik: My decision to cut my hair.

* What is your attitude towards money? Are you a spender or a saver?

Anja Rubik: Definite saver however I like to treat myself and my family to something nice from time to time.

* How would you describe your style?

Anja Rubik: My personal style varies. I can go from rock, to very elegant and hype in the summer. It all depends on my mood and the place were I am off to.

* What interests you outside of modeling?

Anja Rubik: I have many interests. I love art and l paint in my free time. I enjoy reading biographies and l am very keen on movies.

* As one of the most successful women, and when you are in the top of the fashion world, do you still have a goal to achieve?

Anja Rubik: My goal is to keep on working with the best people in the business.

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